Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Baby Girls Birthday

Baby Girl turned 8 years old last week, we celebrated for days!!! (I mean to tell ya, my kids don't want for nothin'), but, I so enjoyed seein' her really enjoy herself!

Her Birthday was on Thursday, so we took her out to eat at her favorite Chinese place.  (I think she gets her Chinese cravings from me lol).  Then it was home for cake and ice cream and presents, presents galore!  Thanks to all the family and friends!

She got just about everything she asked for, (except the itouch, so I'm sure Santa will be bringing that next Christmas).  She was so excited.  Friday evening after work / school, I had a few things I needed to pick up at Taget, I came across a book, Justin Bieber, I picked it up as another (late) birthday gift to go with her 3 cds and calendar she'd received the day before.  She absolutely loved it! 

She was a bit disappointed because she didn't get a "birthday party" and I had already planned her another surprise for Sat. afternoon.  I took her to the matinee to see the Justin Bieber Never Say Never movie, she was so happy she forgot all about her disappointment and actually ended up telling me that it had been the "best birthday ever!".  DH and Bubba didn't get the praise that I got because they opted out of seein the Bieber movie, and went in to watch something else!  That's ok, me and Baby Girl had a great mommy daughter time!  What made it even better was, there were only 2 other people in there watching it besides us!

She enjoyed everything, and I'm glad I could make it memorable for her!  But glad it's over too! LOL! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


We have TWO birthdays approaching.  One in 2 days, the other in a little over 2 weeks!  I hate their birthdays being so close together, but it is what it is.  Baby Girl will be 8 on the 3rd.  8! It's hard to believe, it just seems like yesterday she was just learning to walk,  Ohhhh with her turning 8 this could be a good time to share a couple of cute stories from when she was a baby!  Yeah, she'll love this!

I remember (I'm hoping that somewhere amongst my disorganized home videos I have this recorded).  When she was little, and just barely walking, when I would ask her if she was "ready for nap time" or for bed time, she would take her hands and cover her eyes... and try to "go about" whatever she was doing.  It was like her thoughts were "I can't see Mom, so she CAN'T see me!"  It was the cutest thing ever!

My Baby Girls baby bottle horror story, well it was horror to me anyway.  For some reason as she got older, and was more than able but definitely NOT willing, she would not hold her own bottle, she absolutely REFUSED!  It was horrible, I had to hold her, hold her bottle until she was done, then she would get down and play!  (hmm here are her early signs of that being head strong and stubborn characteristics!)  Well one day DH and I were shopping, and we saw this baby bottle "system" a lady was using with her child that was in a stroller.  I hit DH on the arm and said "I NEED THOSE!  NOW!".  When he saw it, he knew exactly what I was talking about.  I pardoned myself for intruding on the ladies shopping trip and asked her where she'd gotten it, I had never seen one before but it's exactly what I had been thinking I needed.  She said Babies R Us are the only place in the area that sells them.  I thanked her, continued with our shopping then out the door straight to Babies R Us (this was before they closed down).  They didn't have any, so we thought, lets check Toys R Us in their baby section.  They were out too, but the customer service person knew what we were talking about and she made some calls and located a store that did have some in stock... Road Trip!!

Yes we drove a bit out of the way for these bottles, and when I tell you it was worth it, it really was worth it!!  Let me describe this Hands Free Self Feeding baby bottle.  Its a regular baby bottle, that the lid has a straw on each side, one inserts into the bottle of milk, the longer straw connects to another lid, attached to a nipple, the baby can then have the nipple drawing up the milk through the straws and the bottle can be set, or placed accordingly so the child (nor parent) has to hold it.

Note:  this feeding system is not for small babies, this is used for bigger babies, sitting on their own, etc.  I think Baby Girl was about 10 or 11 months when we started using it with her.  We didn't use it long as she discovered she liked sippy cups better at around age 1.  but that month or two with the hands free, pheww I'd recommend it for anyone!

Ok enough for down memory lane for her, for now LOL!  I think about those things and still have a hard time realizing she's gonna be 8.