Sunday, February 20, 2011

Winter Break

The kids are out of school for the week, they get a winter break.  I had never heard of such a thing until I moved to NY, seems like they were just out of school, oh they were for Christmas.  It won't be long and they'll get their Spring Break too.  I wonder if anyone who makes these decisions realize the kids wouldn't have to go to school through the last week of June if they didn't have this extra break?? Oh well.  Luckily I will be working all week actually with some overtime, so I won't be here constantly for them to drive me crazy. LOL!  I love my kids, dearly, but yeah they get on my last nerve sometimes with their bickering and such.  Sometimes I think they do it on purpose to see how far they can go before I snap.

I'm hoping they'll do some things during their time off to be a little constructive, but I can already see their week is going to be full of video games, fussing and fighting!  That's usual in my household, Baby Girl instigates most of it, intentionally, and Bubba just gets tired of it.

We'll see how the week goes, and I'll probably be posting about it here!


Some people may not have "met" all of my family yet, and as I will be mentioning them in several places of my site I thought that introdutions may be in order.

DH (Dear Husband).  Yes he is dear to me, and although I don't like to admit it (at least not to him very often), he has me spoiled rotten.  He is my rock, even during times I feel that I am sinking in quick sand.  Sure we have our problems, every couple does.  If someone were to say their relationsip is and always has been perfect, I'll point out a liar to you, either that or someone is out doing something they shouldn't be.  But DH, he treats me as I deserve to be treated (and for the most part even better).  As I said, our world isn't perfect, but he's perfect for me.

My Miracles (children):

Bubba:  My first born, he is my baby boy.  Although he's not a baby, not yet a grown man, but quickly on his way.  He is the reason for many of our "adventures" now-a-days.  Encouraging him to stay involved, we attend many functions (almost all) of his activities.  (oh and he is to the point of hating when I call him Bubba, but I always have).

 8 years later, enter:

Baby Girl:  My youngest, my baby, ok she's not A baby, but... she always will be.  I'd love to say she is sweet, precious, and just sooooooo darn cute (she can be these things when she wants to be, usually when she wants something).  My description of her will be more like this:  She is head strong, stubborn, demanding.  DH says she's JUST like me (that's a very scary thought), and that's his explanation of why she and I are always "butting" heads.  Don't get me wrong, I love my baby girl, she (and Bubba) are my pride and joy, I just wish she was more of the sweet innocent girly type! (you know, the type I never was).

NOTE:  Why I call my kids "my miracles".  At the age of 21 I was told by the doctor that I would never have children.  His words (as I remember them) were:  "Even if you ever conceive you'll never carry full term, it will end up being a loss.  Seriously consider having a complete hysterectomy done as soon as possible."  Oh I seriously considered it for only a moment and in that moment decided there was no way in ..... ok so I didn't do it because there was nothing life threatening if I didn't, and viola, I have 2 children.

Ohhh I can't forget the very youngest of the family!!!  Wolfii: our Schipperke (pronounced Skipper-key).  He is a mess, as spoiled as the kids (if not even more!).  He is a cutie (not as cute as when he was a tiny puppy but still cute), and honorary as can be, but he is part of our family and even though we get so mad at him sometimes, we can't help but love him.  They are of sorts breeded as a show dog (?) that's what I've heard any way.  There have been times when I've seen a "stance" that has made me think, yeah I can see it, if trained properly they could be.  They've been labeled to be known as the "devil dog" for several reasons (I've not read the whole story of how they got that name).  I do however know from our experiences on how they got it. LOL!  If you ever consider getting one please please read up on them first!  Oh and his name is pronouned Wolf-ee.