Sunday, February 20, 2011

Winter Break

The kids are out of school for the week, they get a winter break.  I had never heard of such a thing until I moved to NY, seems like they were just out of school, oh they were for Christmas.  It won't be long and they'll get their Spring Break too.  I wonder if anyone who makes these decisions realize the kids wouldn't have to go to school through the last week of June if they didn't have this extra break?? Oh well.  Luckily I will be working all week actually with some overtime, so I won't be here constantly for them to drive me crazy. LOL!  I love my kids, dearly, but yeah they get on my last nerve sometimes with their bickering and such.  Sometimes I think they do it on purpose to see how far they can go before I snap.

I'm hoping they'll do some things during their time off to be a little constructive, but I can already see their week is going to be full of video games, fussing and fighting!  That's usual in my household, Baby Girl instigates most of it, intentionally, and Bubba just gets tired of it.

We'll see how the week goes, and I'll probably be posting about it here!

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